with our community of select and vetted technology start-ups at the innovation frontier.
exclusive market integration rounds to engage with leading technology start-ups and corporates in conversations.
new technologies that advance your economic productivity through market entry delegations.
a sustainable economy through public-private partnerships with market leading technology ventures and corporates.
Market Integration Rounds
bring together start-ups, corporates,financial institutions, and governmental agencies, to provide innovative technologies with the resources they need - financial services, legal advice, and policy design - and to identify and fill market, regulation, policy, and research gaps.
Interested in participating? Let us know! Get in touch to get informed about up-coming market integration rounds.
Market Entry Delegations
We select vetted technology start-ups and potential industry partners to engage in strategic market entry conversations with high level representatives of the hosting government. Such curated meetings are designed to accelerate the commercialization and deployment of innovative technologies.
Interested in participating? Let us know! Get in touch to get informed about up-coming market entry delegations.